Life rules:


 1. Be honest to yourself.

                    No matter what you do just be honest to it.

2. Don't hurt others.

                   Our prime duty is to help others. And if you can't help them don't hurt them.

 3. Believe in yourself.

                   Believing in your own self-confidence will increase your skill-set.

4. Have a positive mind set.

                  Spent time with positive people. 

                  identity your areas of negativity

5.  Make peace

                Forget about the past, so it won't disturb your future ,will bring peace to your life.

 6. Respect :

              Treat everyone with respect. Love your enemies

7.Set a goal.

              You should set a goal which makes you motivate and there should be a value for achieving it. 

8.Find your purpose.

               While doing some stuffs just ask your self why? are we doing this and what's the purpose of doing it? You will get your own answer.

 9. Stop comparing yourself with others.'

               Constant comparison with others tends to low your self-esteem and make feel bad about yourself.

 10. Accept the truth and move on.

               Once you learn how to accept the truth  no matter how painful or heartbreaking it is. You'll stop wasting time on the wrong people.



mech semester notes annauniversity 

computer application study material 

book journal 

movies and series


